St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: All University

Effective Date: 01/01/2016

Last Updated: 12/17/2024

Applies To: Faculty, Staff

Responsible University Officer: Interim President

Policy Owner: Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President

Policy Contact: Associate Human Resources Director


Faculty, staff, and administrators, current and former, constitute a vital part of the University community. St. Cloud State University wishes to maintain and encourage relationships with retirees who have dedicated themselves to advancing the mission of the University.

The purpose of awarding emeriti status to retired and former employees is to recognize their honored role within the University community, encourage their ongoing contributions to the intellectual and cultural life of the University, and recognize their service as ambassadors to the greater community.


St. Cloud State University will establish procedures to identify and recognize retirees whose service to the University is characterized by high professional achievement, and sustained, outstanding service.

Distinguished employees upon completion of employee separation and who have met the established criteria and complete the nomination process will be honored with the Emeritus or Emerita title.


Emeriti benefits include:

  • Email and access to SCSU WiFi.
  • Basic computer support on campus by HuskyTech.
  • A complimentary campus parking permit.
  • A complimentary Emeriti identification card that can be presented for benefits such as discounted admission to ticketed events (equal to the employee rate); access to cultural events other than events scheduled by invitation only; and use of recreational facilities on the same basis as active employees. 
  • A profile in the Repository for faculty emeriti.
  • Access to library resources on the same basis as employees.
  • Listing in the campus directory.
  • Invitation to activities and events hosted by the University and/or Alumni Association.
  • An order of SCSU Emeriti business cards providing personal contact information provided by their department.
  • Some benefits will continue to be extended to surviving spouses of emeriti. 

For questions about these benefits or how to obtain them, see the Frequently Asked Questions section of this policy.

Volunteer Opportunities without Emoluments or Wages 

Emeriti may wish to remain active with the University through various volunteer opportunities including, but not limited to:

  • Tutoring
  • Assisting with alumni events
  • Serving as event ambassadors
  • Volunteering at University programs and activities such as the Husky Food Pantry, Commencement, or conferences such as Power In Diversity
  • Supporting Continuing Education and Outreach programs
  • Assisting International programs and activities
  • Serving as a thesis or dissertation committee member
  • Assisting with student recruitment

Emeriti Responsibilities

Those who receive the distinction of “emeritus” or “emerita” are considered ambassadors of St. Cloud State University, which carries the responsibility of engaging in behavior and activities that promote the well-being of the University.

Emeriti Suspension or Termination

The University reserves the right to suspend or terminate some or all benefits when warranted, whether from individuals or from all emeriti. In this case, emeriti will be notified of the action and the reason for the action and may appeal to the President or designee. The decision of the President is final.


To be awarded emeriti status, an employee must meet each of the following criteria:

  • Retired from the University with a minimum of 10 years full-time equivalent service;
  • Separated from employment in good standing; and
  • Established a record of distinguished service while employed at the University.

Emeriti Nomination and Recommendation Process

When an official retirement request has been received by Human Resources (HR), the HR Office Administrative Specialist (OAS) or other HR representative will initiate the following step-by-step process. The decision whether to grant emeriti status shall come from the President. The decision of the President is final. 

  1. HR will verify the employee has met the first two criteria: that they have served at the University for a minimum of 10 years and are separating from the University in good standing.
    1. If the retiree does not meet both criteria, HR checks “Not Eligible” on the Emeriti Request Form (EmRF), identifies the criterion/criteria that is/are not met, and sends a copy to the retiree’s supervisor (See Supporting Documents). This will end the process.
    2. If the retiree meets both criteria, HR continues to step 2. HR checks “Eligible,” signs, and sends the EmRF, via e-mail, to the retiree’s department dean/supervisor.
  2. Department dean/supervisor makes a recommendation about emeriti status. For units within Academic Affairs, the dean must seek recommendation from the department prior to completing the EmRF. For units outside of Academic Affairs, the supervisor will make the recommendation and complete the EmRF.
    1. If the recommendation is not to award emeriti status, check “Not Recommended” on the EmRF, provide a brief justification, sign and route the form to the next signer. Notify retiree of decision to not nominate. Retiree, if they so choose, may elect to self-nominate by providing a nomination letter to the Vice President/Administrative Leader.
    2. If the recommendation is to award emeriti status, check “Recommended” on the EmRF and attach a letter of nomination, on department letterhead, that highlights a record of outstanding achievement and distinguished service during the retiree’s career at the University. The letter will inform the President and be archived.  Route the EmRF and the nomination letter to the next signer.
  3. Recommendations are made and the form is routed to the Vice President and then to the Human Resources who will present the recommendations to the President.
  4. The President approves or denies the request and notifies HR of the decision. The President’s decision is final.
  5. HR provides notification of the final decision:
    1. If emeriti status is not approved by the President, the Human Resources Assistant Director or designee sends a letter to the supervisor denying the request.
    2. If emeriti status is approved by the President, the Human Resources Assistant Director or designee sends a letter signed by the President, to the retiree (copying the supervisor and University Communications so the Directory can be updated). The approval letter congratulates the retiree, explains the benefits and expectations of being an emeriti, and includes a copy of the Emeriti FAQs.
  6. HR – Assistant Director contacts the following entities regarding the Emeriti status:
    1. Records & Registration - to add the employee to the "Emeriti Cohort"
    2. Parking - to ensure a permit is prepared
    3. Alumni Office - to advise of Emeriti status

Frequently Asked Questions

Emeriti FAQ

Emeriti Identification Card

Q: How do I obtain an SCSU ID card showing my emeriti status?

A: Once emeriti status is granted, you must bring your old campus card to Husky Tech at the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center.  A new card will be issued. The first Emeriti ID card is free of charge, but replacement cards are $15. For questions or concerns about your SCSU ID contact Husky Tech at 320-308-4944.

Emeriti Business Cards and SCSU Directory

Q: How do I obtain my complimentary order of SCSU business cards showing my emeriti status?

A: One set of 100 business cards will be provided by the department from which the retiree is separating.  Emeriti should work with their department to obtain these cards. University Communications will add the Emeriti listing to the University Directory, if desired and update the department section of the Directory.  Emeriti who prefer a print copy of the SCSU Directory, which is online, may obtain one by ordering from SCSU Printing Services at cost, including the cost of postage. 

Campus Recreation

Q: Do emeriti have benefits using campus recreation facilities or equipment?

A: Emeriti may hold Campus Recreation Memberships at a rate equal to what employees pay. This is not to be prorated and runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year.

Campus Library

Q: Do emeriti still have access to campus library resources as they did when they were employees with the University?

A: The SCSU Library is open to the public and emeriti can continue to use the library and resources offered there on the same basis as they did while employed at SCSU, some resources may be unavailable remotely.

Q:  As a retired faculty member I would like to have a profile in the St. Cloud State University digital Repository.  How do I go about doing that?

A:  You can create your account by accessing the Repository on the University Library site. (See Supporting URLs)

Campus Parking

Q: Do emeriti get free campus parking? 

A: Yes, obtaining a permit requires the emeriti to apply annually through the online parking site (See Supporting URLs). 

Q: Where can emeriti park on campus? 

A: The emeriti permit can be used to park in any on campus space that is not marked as reserved.  Reserved spaces include those marked as accessible which are reserved for individuals with disabilities and those marked for the use of residential hall students.


Q: Do emeriti get to keep their employee email?

A: St. Cloud State will assist a retiree in preserving personal emails and deleting university business emails if emeriti want to keep their same email address.

Q: Will HuskyTech provide services for any emeriti device? 

A: HuskyTech will provide services for products that have been purchased through HuskyTech if possible. For devices not purchased through Husky Tech, they will only provide basic services such as WiFi connection concerns or how to find and install programs. Support for research or commercial projects, and/or other extensive uses with technology products not purchased through Husky Tech are not considered basic support.

Q: Are these services from HuskyTech complimentary or discounted? 

A: At this time HuskyTech help is complimentary.  If time or expertise demands exceed basic assistance and adjustments a referral may be made to other resources.

Q: Will SCSU continue to support my university provided personal website?

A: Former employee websites are disabled, which means the content is saved, but is no longer publicly displayed. If the content should remain available to the public because it represents a University function or is sponsored by a department or program, the department or program may work with IT to reestablish this content.

Office Space and Continued Academic Service

Q: Can emeriti faculty or staff continue to occupy their employee office space? 

A: Office space may be provided when the use benefits the University in the judgment of the Vice President and Provost but such a temporary space will not usually be the former office space of the emeriti.  

Q: Can emeriti serve as Principle Investigator (PI) on a grant or perform other roles as a recipient of a grant or contract with the University?

A: Service as a PI requires that one is an employee of the University, so emeriti may not be a PI.  A retiree might have a volunteer or limited role on a grant or contract being overseen by a full time employee of the University. 


Q: Are emeriti volunteers expected to follow the SCSU Volunteer policy and procedure? 

A: Yes, the SCSU Volunteer policy and procedure assure that any volunteer with access to university data, resources, personnel, guests and students has the approval of the University and establishes the basis for a relationship that permits the University to offer protection from individual liability in appropriate circumstances. (See Related SCSU Policies) 


Q: Are emeriti benefits also available to the spouse of an emeriti? 

A: An emeriti retiree’s spouse is entitled to benefits that are not tied to the emeriti faculty or staff person’s work. This is true even if the emeriti is deceased. So, the spouse, or surviving spouse, of an emeriti would be eligible for the same limited computer help, discounted tickets or invitations to events; but would not be eligible for free parking, office space, email or business cards.


Distinguished services, volunteer opportunities, outstanding achievement, emeritae

Supporting Documents (Forms, Instructions)

Sep 20 2021 3:59PM
Sep 20 2021 3:59PM

Related St. Cloud State University Policies

Supporting URLs

Websites, Related External Documents, Statutes



Any person who is not a student or employee but who may be a visitor.

Verification of Qualifications

reviewing and analyzing background information and asserted qualifications of applicants.


Responsible University Officer
   Dietz, Larry H.
   Interim President
   Siminoe, Judith P.
   Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President
   Notch, Angelina M.
   Associate Human Resources Director

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