A variety of locations are available for display and distribution of informative materials. Some locations are restricted to specific users and some require a reservation and/or payment of a fee prior to use. Some may have size or time restrictions, while others may not. Due to these variations, close attention should be paid to the specific procedures relevant to each type of informative material and display location.
For reservable spaces and/or display equipment that are not restricted to specific users or purposes, priority on reservation requests goes first to registered student organizations, then to University departments, and lastly to non-university organizations and businesses, as policy regarding time, place and manner permit.
All materials physically distributed on campus such as handouts or flyers, or materials posted in reserved spaces such as display cases, easels, or non-public bulletin boards must clearly identify and provide contact information (at minimum a name and email or phone) for the department, program, student organization, company or other entity responsible for the content being distributed or displayed. Contact information should be for a department, program, registered organization, or other office, rather than an individual. Prior to displaying or distributing informative materials, all registered student organizations must consult with and seek advice from their advisor(s) about the intended informative materials.
Unless otherwise outlined in this procedure, materials should not be posted any sooner than three weeks before tickets go on sale or the start date of the event. Materials should be removed the first-class day after completion of the program or event by persons who originally posted the information. Repeated failure to remove informative materials by the persons who originally posted may result in loss of posting privileges. If materials are not removed and they become outdated or expired, the materials may be removed and disposed by SCSU staff or any person needing use of the space. Informative materials that do not have date specific information may be removed, as needed, for materials promoting current events.
The only walkway where posting is permitted is the Atwood/Centennial walkway. Posters for the walkway space must be professionally computer generated and be 72" x 42" in dimension. Posters must be dropped off at Atwood’s information desk prior to, or on the day of, the first date of the reserved period and will be hung by Atwood staff. Removed posters will be held 1 week for pick up before being discarded/recycled.
There are 6 windows within the walkway permitted for use. Two spaces are designated for SCSU student government, two for University programming board, and two for general use by SCSU registered student organizations or University departments to promote an event, program, or service. These window spaces are scheduled via the on-campus event management system (EMS) for a maximum of two weeks. If the general use spaces are unavailable, student organizations or University departments may seek approval to use the student government designated window spaces. This approval must be in either a written or electronic correspondence from the student government president or vice president and must be dropped off at Atwood’s information desk prior to, or on the day of, the first date of the reserved period.
Exterior Walls and Structures
Banners or large signs designed for exterior walls are generally temporary in nature, designated for a University event or promotional purpose, and approved by a vice president. These banners will be displayed prior to and during the University event or promotion, be professionally made with no hand lettering, be of durable quality, follow SCSU and Minnesota State policy, and be no larger than 200 square feet. Exterior wall hangings may contain no commercial advertising outside of a sponsorship or partnership with the University. Exterior banners and/or signs shall be hung by University facilities management staff in a manner that is safe and does not obstruct visibility. Individuals interested in requesting exterior signage or requesting an exception should contact facilities management.
Interior Walls/Railings
Postings are not permitted on interior walls, doors, windows, railings or other building structures. All postings must be on bulletin boards, sandwich boards, and other permitted posting areas as outlined in this procedure. Exceptions are made for emergency, security, or building hour notices. Departments and student organizations may request exceptions for posting on permanent fixtures by contacting facilities management.
Lawn Signs
Lawn signs include any sign or post that must be pushed or driven into the ground to stand on its own, including flags and yard sale style signs. Lawn signs are highly discouraged in order to prevent damage to underground utilities, including sprinkler systems and control wires. Organizations are encouraged to use free-standing signs as outlined under “sandwich boards” elsewhere in this policy. When used, lawn signs are restricted to predesignated areas which are outlined on the lawn sign map (see supporting documents). Yard signs must have posts of less than ¼” diameter, and may not be placed any closer than 2 feet from a sidewalk. Departments may request exceptions by contacting facilities management.
Bulletin Boards, Tack Strips, and Towers
Informative materials posted on bulletin boards, tack strips or towers shall adhere to the regulations posted on the board. If a board does not have a regulations placard or is not otherwise labeled, then the default shall be that the board is available for use by the general public and informative materials may not exceed 14 x 22 inches. Materials must be mounted with thumb tacks or push pins. Only one announcement per program or event may be affixed to each site. Some boards may be designated for a specific purpose, or for use by a specific department, group, or program. These boards will be labeled accordingly or will include such details on the regulations placard. For questions about posting, contact the owner listed on the regulations placard. If no placard can be found on the board, contact facilities management.
Interior Doors and Windows
Offices, departments, and programs that have been assigned space within University buildings are expected to maintain an attractive, safe, and uncluttered appearance. Posting on doors and windows is not open to the public. Posting on interior doors and windows by departments and programs in their assigned areas should be very limited. Stickers, strong adhesives, or other materials that cause damage to surfaces are prohibited. Information on postings must pertain to St. Cloud State University programs, activities, partnerships, courses, opportunities or services. The department director, department office manager, or office incumbent is responsible to see that this policy is followed or that a bulletin board or tack strip is requested if needed.
Display Cases
St. Cloud State University has multiple display cases in a variety of campus locations. Weapons may be displayed in these cases in accordance with the violence and weapons policy and procedure. Some cases have a designated purpose and are not available for reservation and use. Display cases that are available to the public or campus community members will have a regulations placard with instructions about what is permitted and who to contact for inquiries.
Brochure Racks
St. Cloud State University has multiple brochure racks in a variety of campus locations. Most of these racks have a designated purpose and are not available for public use. Brochure racks that are available to the public or campus community members will have a regulations placard with instructions about what is permitted and who to contact for inquiries.
Easels are available for the bottom of each side of the main level staircase and/or the entrance to the theater lounge in Atwood to promote events taking place in those areas and only for the day(s) of the event. Posting clips near each meeting room entrance may reduce the need for easels. Atwood Memorial Center easels may not be removed from the building. Other easels may be owned by various departments, organizations, or centers on campus. Reservation of these easels is at the discretion of the owners.
Sandwich Boards
When using sandwich boards to display informative materials, the posting party must monitor them and occasionally set back up if affected by windy or adverse weather conditions. They may not be posted where they restrict or obstruct people, or hide signage or other displays. They may not be used in streets or skyways. If not secured they must be removed each night. They may be secured to prevent theft or being blown by the wind, but should not be affixed to handrails, door handles, other building exterior apparatus, artwork, historical markers, or in any manner prohibited by this policy. Contact facilities management for the proper way to secure sandwich boards to light posts and other real property assets. Repair of damage to real property assets will be charged back to the department responsible for the sandwich board. Sandwich boards must be removed upon completion of the event and must also be removed prior to snowfall to prevent damage to or from snow removal equipment. Sandwich boards are owned by various departments and may be used by others at the discretion of the office that purchased the sandwich board.
Table Tents
Table tents may be placed on food service area tables for a maximum of two weeks by SCSU registered student organizations and campus departments. Non-university table tents are not permitted. Table tents must promote events on campus, be open to all students and be made of sturdy recyclable or recycled paper. Only one table tent per event is permitted on each table. Table tents for most food service tables must be approved prior to placement. Garvey table tents require approval by Residential Life. For guidelines about placing table tents refer to their guidelines for displays and exhibits (see supporting URLs).
Table tents may be placed by various offices, departments, or centers in the spaces they occupy or manage. Use of these spaces by others is at the discretion of the office, department, or center occupying or managing the space. Individuals or groups wishing to place table tents in non-food service areas or in areas they do not occupy or manage must contact the appropriate administrative office that manages the area for approval prior to placing any materials.
Tables, Kiosks, Gripper Strips, Wire Clips, and Reserved Spaces
Information about tables, kiosks, poster grip strips/wire clips, and promotional spaces can be found on the Atwood reservations/promotional space websites. For information about table and other reservations, refer to guidelines for displays and exhibits in the (see supporting URLs).